Basic Science Publications
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Miller JML, Thompson BR, Handa JT, Luthert P, Chakravarthy U, Csaky KG, Bird A, Young BK, Iyengar SK, Baek J, Zouache MA, Richards BT, Hageman GS, Rodrigues G, Bharti K, Flannery JG, Gorin MB, Rickman CB. Dissecting the biological complexity of age-related macular degeneration: Is it one disease, multiple separate diseases, or a spectrum? Experimental Eye Research, Online ahead of print (2025).
Digsby KM, Zhang Q, Perera ND, Karoukis A, DenDekker A, Fahim AT, Miller JML. IGFBP5 as a novel basolateral secretion marker in the retinal pigment epithelium. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1468, 357 (2025).
Hass DT, Pandey K, Engel AL, Horton N, Haydinger CD, Robbings BM, Lim RR, Sadilek M, Zhang Q, Gulette GA, Li A, Xu L, Miller JML, Chao JR, Hurley JB. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibition increases RPE cell fatty acid flux and restricts apolipoprotein efflux. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300, 107772 (2024).
Zhang Q, Shu DY, Bryan RA, Han JYS, Gulette GA, Lo K, Kim LA, Miller JML. Long term monitoring of oxygen consumption rates in highly differentiated and polarized retinal pigment epithelial cultures. Journal of Visualized Experimentation (JoVE), 210 (2024).
Digsby K, Zhang Q, Miller JML. Basic science observations link subretinal drusenoid deposit formation to retinal pigment epithelial hypoxia. Eye, In press (2024).
Editorial on publication from Curcio and Goerdt: A cell culture system for RPE hypoxia, a physiologic stressor relevant to AMD deposit formation.
Gulette GA, Hass DT, Pandey K, Zhang Q, Han JYS, Engel AL, Chao JR, Philp NJ, Hurley JB, Miller JML. Reassessing retinal pigment epithelial ketogenesis: Enzymatic assays for ketone body levels provide inaccurate results. Experimental Eye Research, 245, (2024).
Hass DT, Zhang Q, Autterson G, Bryan R, Hurley JB, Miller JML. Medium depth influences O2 availability and metabolism in culture RPE cells. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, 64, 4 (2023).
Zhang Q, Autterson G, Miller JML. Improved Lipofuscin Models and Quantification of Outer Segment Phagocytosis Capacity in Highly Polarized Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cultures. Journal of Visualized Experimentation (JoVE), 194 (2023).
Wilson, LMQ, Sabba S, Li J, Prasov L, Miller JML. Specific deoxyceramide species correlate with expression of macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel2) in a SPTLC2 carrier HSAN1 family. Genes, 14, 931 (2023).
Zhang Q, Miller JML. Basic-Science Observations Explain How Outer Retinal Hyperreflective Foci Predict Drusen Regression and Geographic Atrophy in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Eye, 36, 1115-1118 (2022).
Miller JML*, Zhang Q, Johnson MW. Regression of Drusen or Vitelliform Material Heralding Geographic Atrophy: Correlation between Clinical Observations and Basic Science. Graefe’s Archive, 259, 2051-2053 (2021). * = equal contribution to work
Zhang Q, Presswalla F, Ali RR, Zacks DN, Thompson DA, Miller JML. Pharmacologic activation of autophagy without direct mTOR inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for treating dry macular degeneration. Aging, 13, 10866-10890 (2021).
Zhang Q, Presswalla F, Calton MA, Charniga C, Stern J, Temple S, Vollrath D, Zacks DN, Ali RR, Thompson DA, Miller JML. Highly differentiated human fetal RPE cultures are resistant to the accumulation and toxicity of lipofuscin-like material. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 60, 3468-3479 (2019).
Zhang Q, Presswalla F, Feathers K, Cao Xu, Hughes BA, Zacks DN, Thompson DA, Miller JML. A platform for assessing outer segment fate in primary human fetal RPE cultures. Exp Eye Res, 178, 212-222 (2019).
Ramdzan YM, Trubetskov MM, Ormsby AR, Newcombe EA, Sui X, Tobin MJ, Bongiovanni MN, Gras SL, Dewson G, Miller JML, Finkbeiner S, Moily N, Niclis J, Parish CL, Purcell AW, Baker MJ, Wilce JA, Waris S, Stojanowski D, Bocking T, Reid G, Hatters DM. Huntingtin inclusions trigger cellular quiescence, deactivate apoptosis and lead to delayed necrosis. Cell Reports, 19, 919–927 (2017).
Shelby SJ, Feathers KL*, Ganios AM, Jia L, Miller JM*, Thompson DA. MERTK signaling in the retinal pigment epithelium regulates the tyrosine phosphorylation of GDP Dissociation Inhibitor alpha from the GDI/CHM family of RAB GTPase effectors. Exp Eye Res, 140, 28-40 (2015). * = equal contribution to work
Khan M, Walters LL, Li Q, Thomas DG, Miller JML, Zhang Q, Sciallis AP, Liu Y, Dlouhy BJ, Archer SM, Demirci H, Dou Y, Rao RC. Characterization and pharmacologic targeting of EZH2, a fetal retinal protein and epigenetic regulator, in human retinoblastoma. Lab Invest, 95, 1278-1290 (2015).
Nucifora LG, Burke KA, Feng X, Arbez N, Zhu S, Miller J, Yang G, Ratovitski T, Delannoy M, Muchowski PJ, Finkbeiner S, Legleiter J, Ross CA, Poirier MA. Identification of novel potentially toxic oligomers formed in vitro from mammalian-derived expanded huntingtin exon-1 protein. J Biol Chem, 287, 16017-16028 (2012).
Peters-Libeu C, Miller J, Rutenber E, Newhouse Y, Krishnan P, Cheung K, Hatters D, Brooks E, Widjaja K, Tran T, Mitra S, Arrasate M, Mosquera LA, Taylor D, Weisgraber K, Finkbeiner S. Disease-associated polyglutamine stretches in monomeric huntingtin adopt a compact structure. J Mol Biol, 421, 587-600 (2012).
Miller J*, Arrasate MA*, Brooks E, .... Finkbeiner SF. Identifying species of polyglutamine proteins in situ that best predict neurodegeneration. Nat Chem Biol, 7, 925-934 (2011). * = equal contribution to work
Zhang QC, Tzu-Lan, Y, Levya A, Frank LG, Miller J, Kim YE, Langen R, Finkbeiner S, Amzel ML, Ross CA, Poirer MA. A compact beta model of huntingtin toxicity. J Biol Chem, 286, 8188-8196 (2011).
Tsvetkov AS, Miller J, Arrasate M, Wong JS, Pleiss MA, Finkbeiner S. A small-molecule scaffold induces autophagy in primary neurons and protects against toxicity in a Huntington disease model. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107, 16982-16987 (2010).
Miller J, Arrasate M, Shaby BA, Mitra S, Masliah E, Finkbeiner S. Quantitative relationships between huntingtin levels, polyglutamine length, inclusion body formation, and neuronal death provide novel insight into Huntington’s disease molecular pathogenesis. J Neurosci, 30, 10541-10550 (2010).
Ramdzan YM, Nisbet RM, Miller J, Finkbeiner S, Hill AF, Hatters DM. Conformation sensors that distinguish monomeric proteins from oligomers in live cells. Chem Biol, 17, 371-379 (2010).
Miller J, Rutenber E, Muchowski PJ. Polyglutamine dances the conformational cha-cha-cha. Structure, 17, 1151-1153 (2009).
Legleiter J, Lotz GP, Miller J, Ko J, Ng C, Williams G, Finkbeiner S, Patterson PH, Muchowski PJ. Monoclonal antibodies recognize distinct conformational epitopes formed by polyglutamine in a mutant huntingtin fragment. J Biol Chem, 284, 21647-21658 (2009).
Miller J. Career Intentions of MD/PhD Program Graduates. JAMA, 301, 597 (2009).
Leng T, Miller JM, Bilbao KV, Palanker DV, Huie P, Blumenkranz MS. The chick chorioallantoic membrane as a model tissue for surgical retinal research and simulation. Retina, 24, 427-434 (2004).
Miller JM, Palanker DV, Marmor MF, Blumenkranz MS. Precision and safety of the Pulsed Electron Avalanche Knife (PEAK) in vitreo-retinal surgery. Arch Ophthalmol, 120, 871-877 (2003).
Palanker DV, Vankov A, Miller JM, Friedman M, Strauss M. Prevention of tissue damage by water jet during cavitation. Jrnl Appl Phys, 94, 2654-2661 (2003).
Fletcher DA, Palanker DV, Huie P, Miller JM, Marmor MF, Blumenkranz MS. Intra-vascular drug delivery with a pulsed liquid microjet. Arch Ophthalmol, 120, 1206-08 (2002).
Palanker DV, Marmor MF, Branco A, Huie P, Miller JM, Sanislo SR, Vankov A, Blumenkranz MS. Effects of the Pulsed Electron Avalanche Knife on retinal tissue. Arch Ophthalmol, 120, 636-40 (2002).
Palanker DV, Miller JM, Marmor MF, Sanislo SR, Huie P, Blumenkranz MS. Pulsed Electron Avalanche Knife (PEAK) for intraocular surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 42, 2673-2678 (2001).
Clinical Publications
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Maiz AM, Murali S, Miller JML. Retinal artery occlusion in young patients without typical cardiovascular risk factors: etiologies, prognosis, and suggested work-up. Graefe’s Archive Clin Exp Ophthalmology, 262, 3577 (2024).
Csaky K, Miller JML, Martin DF, Johnson MW. Drug approval for the treatment of geographic atrophy: How we got here and where we need to go. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 263 (2024).
Yousif JE, Miller JML. Intraocular pressure lowering associated with worsening optic pit-like retinoschisis. OSLI Retina, 55, 2 (2024).
Bommakanti N, Young BK, Johnson MW, Miller JML. Optical coherence tomography hyperreflectivity as an early sign of acute macular neuroretinopathy. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 58, 6 (2023).
Balikov D, Zhou Y, Miller JML. A phone triage system for patients calling with symptoms of a posterior vitreous detachment. Ophthalmology Retina, 7, 516 (2023).
Yu J, Miller JML, Johnson MW, Young B. Cost analysis and adherence of over-the-counter supplements to the AREDS2 protocol. Graefe’s Archive Clin Exp Ophthalmology, 261, 37-39 (2023).
Jakpor O, Miller JML, Johnson MW. En face optical coherence tomography for diagnosis of unexplained snowflake scotoma. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 58, E88-E90 (2022).
Li K, Young B, Miller JML, Besirli CG. Concentric macula rings in the absence of foveal hypoplasia and epiretinal membrane. OSLI Retina, 52, 353-355 (2021).
Miller JML*, Chang E*, Besirli CG, Johnson MW, Demirci H. A novel OCT signature in leukemic papillopathy masquerading as autoimmune or infectious uveitis. Graefe’s Archive, 259, 1315-1322 (2021). * = equal contribution to work
Khandwala N*, Miller JML*, Hyde R, Conrady CD, Besirli CG, Rao RC. The diagnostic conundrum of retinitis and a pigmented scar. Case Reports in Ophthalmology, 12, 164-168 (2021). * = equal contribution to work
Jarocki A, Durrani A, Zhou Y, Miller JML. On-call exams for acute onset of flashes, floaters, or curtain by junior ophthalmology residents: Outcomes, Safety, and Resource Utilization. Ophthalmology Retina, 5, 330-336 (2021).
Armenti ST, Miller JML, Gomez-Hassan D, Gappy C, Cornblath WT. Multiple sclerosis presenting as acute acquired comitant esotropia in a pediatric patient. J. AAPOS, 25, 45-47 (2021).